The Warrior Heart
what is a warrior heart?
Heart Centered, Heart Powered Transformation
When we hear the word warrior, we immediately think of one who fights in a battle, often against external dark forces or an enemy. It may appear antithetical to the very nature of the heart.
However, it is not the nature of the battle that makes the warrior. Rather, it is the nature of warrior themself.
“Warrior” is taken from the Tibetan “pawo,” which literally means, “one who is brave.”
For in any great transformation in life, especially our own personal transformation, we call upon our courage to propel us forward through challenges and obstacles.
The challenges that we must face in our own personal evolution are internal. In order to go within, we must have the courage to open our heart.
A warrior heart is one who stands with strength, yet is open and vulnerable.

“Having a warrior heart is a beautiful dance of strength and openness, courage and surrender”
Jenn Miller