A roadmap to reconnect you with your soul and purpose

Hi, I’m Jenn. I know what it feels like to be stuck and lost in life.

Trying to push forward, yet never making traction towards the life you want. It is exhausting. When you face anxiety, depression, illness, addiction, or just struggle to create the life experiences you want, this is a call to look inward. 19 years ago, life gave me a sign that I couldn’t ignore…cancer. Cancer set me off on an inward journey to get to the core – to real reason I got sick, why I held myself back in life, wound up in a dead marriage and divorce, had subsequent health problems, was too afraid to go after my dreams or really live MY life. After finding true wellness and spending two decades training with some of the most renowned alternative healing practitioners in the world, I am ready to personally help you heal and find elevated wellness in your body, mind, spirit, and life.

Do you struggle with


Feeling lost



Negative Self Talk

Feeling Constantly



Limiting Beliefs

Hitting the same roadblocks in your life over and over

Chronic fatigue & low energy

Low Self Worth

Stuck in life

Soul Atlas will guide you through a powerful change process where you will:


Using NES quantum technology, 1:1 coaching, and honesty & openness to bring awareness to:

Energetic blockages and drains

Unhealthy patterns and habits

Trapped trauma and emotions

The root cause of dis-ease and struggles


Using a variety of techniques including energy psychology, PSYCH-K, neuroscience and ancient practice like yoga & meditation and more, to reprogram:

Non-serving subconscious beliefs
Physical, mental & emotional habits
Trauma response patterns (physically, emotionally, mentally)


Using energy healing, inner child work, Radical forgiveness, flower & mineral essences, Infoceuticals (imprinted water by NES), and more, to release:

The energy of trapped trauma and emotions
The heaviness of depression
The frantic energy of anxiety
The roadblocks that stop you from living the life you were meant to live
The chains that keep you a prisoner of the past


Use the newfound space in your being to reconnect with:

The lightness and joy of your essence
Your soul’s true desires
The clarity and tools to manifest a high frequency life experience filled with health and joy
Let’s connect! Book a complimentary Discovery Call with me.

How you will transform

Have more energy to propel you towards your goals

Feel calm and balanced in body, mind, and spirit

Feel lighter and have the freedom to move through life with ease

Feel empowered with a deeper understanding of yourself and your life experience

Have the clarity and tools you need to manifest the version 2.0 of you!

Instead of feeling alone, stuck, limited and stressed,
imagine living as the very best version of yourself.

The you that is awake.

Using my 2 decades of experience I will help you AWAKEN.

Soul Atlas is customized to your needs.

Book your complimentary Discovery Call

Your health and life can completely change in 12 weeks!

Soul Atlas offers a proven process featuring pillars of success:


1:1 Mentorship

Experiential Learning



6 Bi-weekly 1:1 90-minute transformational sessions with Jenn

This is where the magic happens!
  • 3 Healing & Transformation Sessions – These 1:1 sessions are healing and transformational experiences designed to help you bring awareness to and break through the blockages that are holding you back in life. Jenn taps into her toolbox of healing modalities and training to help propel your evolution. (Valued at $660)
  • 3 Soul Alignment Sessions – A Soul Alignment Coaching Session shines a light on deeper patterns, energetic blockages, trauma, and emotions that are out of alignment with your soul’s purpose. With this information you have the ability to make powerful changes that direct your life’s journey including your health. During this session Jenn Miller combines her intuitive abilities and extensive training with NES quantum technology to illuminate your path of healing and transformation. You will receive lifetime access to your NES scan and custom recommendations. (Valued at $1,491)

12 weekly 30-minute group coaching calls held on Wednesdays at 12pm CT/1pm ET

(Valued at $900)

Weekly Accountability Voice Memo

delivered directly to you each week to keep you on track and moving forward! (Valued at $150)

In-between Session Messaging

connect with Jenn in between your session via text or Facebook messenger – ask questions, provide updates, get guidance without waiting for your next session. (valued at $750)

3 PSYCH-K (Subconscious reprogramming) sessions with Jenn

Jenn will weave PSYCH-K into your 1:1 sessions to help you shift your subconscious beliefs.

(Valued at $550)

Custom wellness recommendations designed to increase your energy level and elevate your frequency

(Valued at $550)

Experiential learning assignments that create change.

(Valued at $375)

Book recommendations & readings to guide your journey

(Valued at $175)

Enneagram Personality Quiz

(Valued at $15)

3 subliminal meditations

(Valued at $30)

3 bottles of NES Infoceuticals based on your NES scan results

(Valued at $95)

1 bottle of Shanti-Kai Flower & Mineral Essences

(Valued at $35)

Access to Warrior Hearts Unite Facebook Group

(Valued at $550)

Soul Atlas is valued at $6,326

Choose your payment option

Your Special Price


Limited-Time Special

$2997 (save $500!)

Payment Plan

3 installments of $1165.66

Are you ready to transform your life?

Sign up today! Due to the depth of this coaching intensive and the energy and attention I give to each client, I only work with 3 Soul Atlas clients at a time. Reach out to reserve your spot or be added to the waitlist.

The results speak for themselves

I have been on a healing journey for the past 5 years and being introduced to Jenn, has brought my healing to a whole new level. Working with her scans is like nothing I have ever done before. She was able to find out about past traumas that I didn’t even realize I was still holding on to. She has full supported me every step of the way, giving me resources to use to help keep releasing throughout the program. Books, botanicals, breathwork, everything that she has me work on throughout the program has pulled out more things that I was hanging on to. Doing the Psych-K session was probably one of the most transformative sessions I have had. She knew what exact topic to work on reprogramming my thought process on. As soon as we did the first round of the Psych K -I had instant back pain almost like my body was releasing something and didn’t know how to react now that it wasn’t there. The pain lingered for a few days but now I feel so much better and since the session I have been able to openly talk about one of my deepest secrets I held on to that almost no one knew about. Now I can talk about the topic with no guilt, no feeling, no emotion behind it. I can now take it as a learning lesson that I had in my life and can move on from that part of my past. I am so grateful to her for being able to guide me through letting go of my self-sabotaging/addictive habits like numbing myself out with alcohol, marijuana, sex, and the endless ring of toxic relationships. Instead show myself that I deserve to love myself and that I am worthy of the life I want and that comes first before anything or anyone. If you are ready to take your healing to the next level. I highly recommend working with Jenn. “


“For the first time in my life I feel calm and able to handle everything that is being thrown at me within my everyday life. I have control over my feelings and emotions that once used to paralyze me. To say that working with Jenn has changed my life does not give it the credit due. Jenn was able to guide me so gracefully through this transformation, and I truly feel her practical approach is solid and has given me the peace and calm I so longed for.
This experience has changed my life!”

– Liz

“I was blown away at the level of information that Jenn provided about my current health conditions from an energetic standpoint. Jenn is thorough, professional, and highly qualified. She uses her expertise, her personal experience, and her intuition as she directed me through a personal healing journey. I would recommend her and her processes over and over again for anyone ready to go deep and get to the root cause of any physical, emotional or energetic blockages. She’s the real deal!”

– Jennifer

“Jenn creates a very safe, insightful environment for me to be able to explore and dig deep. Every session with you feels like a giant step on this journey. THANK YOU!”


“Working with Jenn has impacted me in amazing ways. My mother and sister who are my hardest critics even said they LOVE this “new me”. I just feel more positive, clear, and re-energized for life again.”

– Dashea

“I found our 1:1 Soul Alignment sessions to be incredibly comprehensive and accurate. As a registered nurse, seeing concrete proof of what I’m being told is important. Discussing the results of my NES Scans with Jenn was both enlightening and validating and helped spearhead my next steps in healing. I highly recommend working with Jenn to expedite and guide your personal healing journey.”


Working with Jenn is like food for my soul. THANK YOU Jenn, you have changed my life in so many incredible ways. You are the best teacher, guide and guru that I have ever had.”

– Sonia

Ready to change your life and health?